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CRPF. GOV. IN: One of the Strongest Defence Force

    India has a great defence system. This is divided into various segments or forces. One of them is CRPF. This force is one of the elite combat force. They provide a great safety in different regions of the country. You will see them serving the security to the ministers as well. CRPF was formed on 27th July 1939 that is before the independence. CRPF name was changed in 1949 before that it was known as Crown Representative. Many youngsters also work hard to become one of the officer in the CRPF. You all have seen the CRPF persons and also heard about it. There are few those who know about this deeply like their history, their work, and various other things. So the concept of this article is crpf. gov. in. This will inform you deeply about this force.

    About CRPF: CRPF. GOV. IN

    CRPF stands for Central Reserve Police Force. When it was formed at that time it was known as Crown Representative. This has been started by the All India Congress. It was formed to maintain the law and order in all the regions of the country. At that time people used to do any of the activity by their own as they did not have any fear of the punishment. There are 3 lakhs 13 thousand and 634 persons actively working in CRPF. The preceding agency of CRPF is Ministry of Home Affairs. The annual budget of CRPF this year is RS. 32,809.65 crores. Their motto is Service and Loyalty. CRPF Governing Body is also Ministry of Home Affairs.

    Their headquarter is located in CGO Complex, New Delhi, India. Amit Shah who is the current Union Minister of Home Affairs is the minister who has the responsibility of CRPF. Anish Dayal Singh is the Agency Executive of CRPF. He is also an IPS. As this force serves in the various sectors. So for all the sectors the different groups have been made with a particular name. They are Commando Battalion for Resolute Action. The abbreviation is COBRA. The another one is Special Duty Group. One is Parliamentary Duty Group. This group takes the responsibility of the parliament and allow our all the ministers to do the important conversations and meetings related to the welfare of the country safely. Next one is Security Wing. Rest are CRPF Valley QAT AND Rapid Action Force. Rapid Action Force abbreviation is RAF.

    Anniversaries: CRPF. GOV. IN

    The CRPF force celebrates their anniversaries on the following days

    Their Valour day is celebrated on 09th April. They celebrate their Police Commemoration Day on 21st October.

    CRPF A Need Indeed: CRPF. GOV. IN

    CRPF has always been a great support in many of the tensed situation. From the riots to the natural calamities CRPF is the one who comes first to control the situation so that the peace can be maintained and the law and order should not break.  So let’s have look on that. CRPF handles the situation and restrict the activities of Left Wing Extremism. They are also known as Naxalites. It was started in 1967 in West Bengal by the people of Communist party of India. These people follow the political teachings of Mao Zedong.

    CRPF handles all the Riots no matter what it is related to. To keep the democracy and the peace alive and along with that to maintain the law and order CRPF control all the riots.

    If people are gathered for some reason and it leads to a massive crowd which jams the road and creates some hassle for the other normal people. Then also the CRPF is the one who comes forward or we can say they are the one about whom government thinks the first whenever such situations strike.

    There are meetings and sessions use to conduct after an interval of time for UN. So these sessions and meetings should be completed successfully. So for that they take every responsibility of all the security which is needed their along with the other defence forces.

    Whenever a natural calamity takes place at that time also CRPF is the one who starts the rescue option at that place. You all know that there are a lot of natural disaster took place in the past and a lot of people rescued from those places. Whether it is a situation of flood, landslide, cloud burst, and earthquake etc.



    Lastly, we want to say that this force is serving our nation for so long. There are other defence forces but this one is something different. As this is the one who always get the first call whenever a tough situation occurs. CRPF is a well reputed post that a person can achieve. This is one of the prestigious job post in Inia. That’s why the youngsters give everything to join this force. They should always be respected and valued by everyone in the nation.

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