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About Startup India

The government of India’s flagship initiative, Startup India, aims to build a strong ecosystem that supports the formation of new businesses, resulting in long-term economic growth and large-scale job creation. The government thinks that this programme would enable enterprises to flourish via innovation and design. Since the initiative’s introduction on January 16, 2016, a number of projects have been launched to promote the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s goal of India being a country of job creators rather than job seekers. With the Startup India initiative recognising enterprises and many entrepreneurs taking advantage of the benefits of starting a business in India, these programmes have propelled the startup culture.
In der dynamischen Welt von Startup-Projekten geht es darum, Chancen zu ergreifen und neue Wege zu beschreiten. Ähnlich verhält es sich mit einem Österreich Online Casino Bonus ohne Einzahlung. Diese Boni bieten Spielern die Möglichkeit, ohne finanzielles Risiko ins Spiel einzutauchen und potenzielle Gewinne zu erzielen – ein attraktives Angebot, das besonders für Anfänger verlockend ist. Startups und Gründer stehen oft vor der Herausforderung, mit begrenzten Ressourcen das Maximum herauszuholen. Hier ist Kreativität gefragt, um innovative Lösungen zu entwickeln und sich am Markt zu behaupten. Der No-Deposit-Bonus in Online Casinos spiegelt diesen Geist wider: Es ist eine Möglichkeit, mit minimalem Einsatz, aber maximalem Potenzial, Erfahrungen zu sammeln und erste Erfolge zu feiern. So wie ein Startup mit einem guten Geschäftsmodell und viel Einsatz das Potenzial hat, sich zu einem erfolgreichen Unternehmen zu entwickeln, kann auch ein Spieler mit einem klugen Einsatz eines Bonus ohne Einzahlung Gewinne erzielen. Beide Welten – die der Startups und die des Glücksspiels – sind geprägt von Risiko, Innovation und dem Streben nach Erfolg. Und am Ende geht es darum, die Chancen zu nutzen, die sich bieten.

DPIIT Recognition For Startups

Frequently Asked Questions

A firm must first be recognised as a startup by the DIPP by filing an application at

1. Self-certification: verify that you have read and understand three environmental laws and six labour laws.

2. Tax Exemption: Three-year income tax exemption, as well as capital and investment exemptions in excess of fair market value.

3. Simple Business Winding Up: A company can be wound up in 90 days under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code of 2016.

4. Startup Patent Application & IPR Protection: Get a head start on your patent application with up to an 80% discount on patent filing fees.

5. Easier Public Procurement Norms: In government tenders, no earnest money deposit is required, and there are no past turnover or experience criteria.

6. SIDBI Fund of Funds: Funds for Alternate Investment Funds to invest in startups.
In addition, the Startup India portal ( provides a one-stop shop for all players in the startup ecosystem to engage, share expertise, and build effective collaborations in a fast-paced environment.

Visit kit.pdf to learn more about the benefits of Startup India.

A startup is defined as a business that satisfies the following requirements:

1. If it is a private limited company, a partnership business, or a limited liability partnership registered in India.

2. For up to ten years following its incorporation/registration.

3. If in any of the financial years after incorporation/registration, the company’s annual turnover has not exceeded INR 100 crores.

4. If it is a scalable firm model with a strong potential for job creation or wealth generation, or if it is aiming to enhance goods, processes, or services through innovation, development, or improvement.

Note that an entity founded by dividing up or reconstructing an existing firm is not regarded a ‘Startup.’

Creating a profile on the Startup India website is a straightforward process:

1. Simply click ‘Register’ and fill out the required information on the registration form. Your profile will be created once a one-time password (OTP) is issued to your registered email address.

2. You will have the option of selecting a profile type. The profile for ‘Individuals’ is immediately available online; however, the profile for ‘Startups’ is moderated for 24-48 hours before you may access all advantages on

As indicated in the preceding question, a Startup with a profile on the Startup India website is considered a registered Startup on the platform. These businesses can use the website to apply for different acceleration, incubator/mentorship, and other challenges, as well as access resources such as the Learning and Development Program, Government Schemes, State Policies for Startups, and pro-bono services.

Startups must apply for DIPP recognition at Benefits include access to high-quality Intellectual Property services and resources, relaxation of public procurement rules, self-certification under labour and environmental laws, ease of company winding up, access to the SIDBI Fund of Funds, tax exemption for three years, and tax exemption on investments over fair market value.

Startup India Scheme Intro

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