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Home » Blog » Convatec from: 416400 to: 416419 – Natura Closed End Pouch with Filter

Convatec from: 416400 to: 416419 – Natura Closed End Pouch with Filter

    Technology advancement has made everything very easy and helpful. In medical world there are a lot of products which helps the patient with their disease. To get those products people should be very careful as the quality of product varies according to the companies. There are a lot of providers in the market who are manufacturing and selling the medication and health care products. So we are with one of the best product from one of the best provider of health care products. Convatec from: 416400 to: 416419 – Natura Closed End Pouch with Filter will be the centre of attraction in this article.

    Convatec uses technology to make health products more helpful and beneficial. They provided many products which people liked a lot due to their updated and advanced features. The increased feasibility and reliability in their products is the main reason of attraction towards their products as no one has shown this much innovation in their products.

    Natura Closed End Pouch with Filter

    Convatec is in talks due to their product of closed end pouch. This is the product which every patient is liking. So this product helps in storing the waste material of the body. In many cases it happens when the digestive system or the urinary system of a person damages due to some reasons. In that case Ostomy is done by the doctors and then these pouches are used. So the speciality in this product is that the ends of this pouch are closed and there is single space through which the waste of the body enters this pouch. Now the thing is that there are a lot of companies providing these kind of pouch but the thing is that they are not closed.

    They are open from either of the side. Second thing from which the patient and the care taker of that patient irritates is the smell. Smell is something which is an obvious thing from the excreta and urine. So when it holds in the pouch then it became hard for that patient. Now this product is the solution of this problem. In this product the manufacturer has added a filter in this pouch. This pouch clears the bad odour and bad fragrance. Through that filter the odour goes out itself and then the patient feels easy as they do not need to handle that shit. Moreover, it is a one time use product. Once it will be full then the user needs to throw it and they can’t use it again and again.

    Ostomy: Convatec from: 416400 to: 416419 – Natura Closed End Pouch with Filter

    Now it can be a confusion for many people that what is ostomy. So ostomy is a treatment or a surgery which is done on a person by the doctors when the person went through some injury or damage in their intestines or digestive system. In this case the doctor prescribes a surgery to the patient. In this surgery doctor connects a stoma to that part of body which is harmed or damaged. That stoma is a gateway to the waste of the body to come out from the body. Now when it will come out then it will not release from the body in such a way that a person can go to washroom like they go in a natural way. Then the pouches are the helping hands. People connects the stoma with the pouch and the pouch stores it.

    Skin Friendly: Convatec from: 416400 to: 416419 – Natura Closed End Pouch with Filter

    Skin is something which is not very adaptive as it reacts when it comes in the touch of something which is not a usual thing to it. So with many of products there is a problem that it reacts the skin and create some irritation and rashes to the skin of the patient. Now convatec has taken care of this problem as well. They made this pouch with such a material which is soft and skin friendly. So the user will not go through any irritation or reaction. They can easily use it without any risk of rashes or allergy.

    Feasible: Convatec from: 416400 to: 416419 – Natura Closed End Pouch with Filter

    These pouches so easy to use. Other pouches are open so it creates some hassle for the user to change the pouch. There is nothing like that with this pouch as they are closed from all the sides. So the user just needs to eject it from the stoma and then they just need to simply through it.

    How to Use?

    • First of all, the manufacture has made this product so well that nobody gonna face any kind in using this product. Still we are explaining some of the steps which are necessary to understand and it will give you a briefing.
    • Before you apply the pouch to the stoma be aware of the sanitization and the cleanliness. Clean the stoma well with a clean cloth.
    • Stoma should not be wet while applying the pouch
    • Then attach it with the stoma and use the adhesive or the gum which is given to attach the stoma and the pouch. Apply that adhesive properly around the stoma so it should not leak or discard
    • After that when you want to disconnect it just disconnect it and you will not face any hassle due to the designing and the features of this product. As it is closed from all the sides so the user will easily access it in all the aspects
    • For the precaution and the best guidance, the user can use the manual which will be available in the box or the packaging of this product.
    Convatec from: 416400 to: 416419 - Natura Closed End Pouch with Filter
    Convatec from: 416400 to: 416419 – Natura Closed End Pouch with Filter


    Lastly, we want to say that this is a great innovation with the combination of technology and the health care product. Old age people needs this pouch in many places as they get affected by a lot of diseases due to their age. So it will help them to be free and they will not get irritate by the skin reaction or the odour. Moreover, they can easily apply it by themselves and can eject it as well by themselves. So if there is somebody who needs this kind of pouch can give a shot to this product by Convatec.


    What is 416400 to 416419?

    It is a range set for these pouches by the providers.

    What is the price of this pouch?

    The price of this pouch varies according to the size and the number of pieces in a box. You can check it directly on their official website.



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