Today’s topic is very interesting. Firstly, the name of the topic is viral tips online whatsapp chat. It is an obvious thing that you all are aware of whatsapp. Whatsapp the biggest social media platform for the conversation in today’s time. Whether it is for the professional use or for the professional use. The only thing is that it is in a huge demand. After the facebook this was something new which people really like and this never went down. The constant updates of this application is the main reason that the people are still stick to it.
Table of Contents
Overview: Viral Tips Online Whatsapp Chat
All other platforms are used for conversation can be used for chatting casually with the friends. Now in this aspect as well this platform has been used more differently. As a lot of professional institutes, companies, and organisations use this for their work. Making groups on this application and sharing the reports and assigning the work through this application is normal in today’s period. So there are a lot of viral tips regarding the whatsapp chat. These tips can enhance the experience of the user in many aspects. Whatsapp is making things easier for their users with every single update. They are keeping an eye on the demand and the technology. A lot of features are there which the user can use for the whatsapp. These tips and tricks gonna amaze in every aspect. Let’s take a look on them.
Highlighting the Text: Viral Tips Online Whatsapp Chat
Now there are a lot of messages people get on their whatsapp every day. Out of them there are some of the messages which are important to the person. So to save them for the future reference the user can highlight them. Highlighting here means the user can star them.
The user needs to do a long press on the text and then some of the option will pop up. Out of those options there will be an option of starring the text with the icon of star
Just click on that and the text will be starred: Viral Tips Online Whatsapp Chat
To see the starred messages, the user can click on the three dots on the right side of the screen and they will see an option of Go to menu. The user needs to click on that option and then there will be another option of starred messages.
Silent the Particular Chat: Viral Tips Online Whatsapp Chat
There are some contacts in the contact list those who sends messages frequently or unusually. So for such contacts also the user can mute their chat easily. Just click on that contact a bit long than the usual and the option will pop up to mute their chat.
Broadcast Feature: Viral Tips Online Whatsapp Chat
You all have seen that you can make a group and can share a message to a lot of people in one go. Now the message shared through the group will be seen to everyone. So for that there is a feature of broadcast. In this feature user can select the contact as they do for making the group. After that whenever they send any message whether it will be a text or the media then it will be delivered to all the contacts but in their personal chats.
Whatsapp Web: Viral Tips Online Whatsapp Chat
People can use their whatsapp in more than one device. This is possible just because of the whatsapp web. For this they need to open the whatsapp on the desktop and then the a QR cide will pop up on the screen.
After that the user needs to open the whatsapp in their main device and then they need to click on the three dots. Then there will be an option of Linked devices. Once the user will click on it then they will see an option of Link a Device. Just click on that and then the scanner will open. User needs to scan the code and then they can use their whatsapp on the other device as well.
Foe ensuring extra security the user can enabe the two step verification on their whatsapp. The user needs to go into the setting and then click on the account. After that just follow the step it will ask you to do.
Archive Chats
The user can archive the chat as if they do not want to keep it on the main chat option with other accounts. Either it can be the important contacts or the unwanted one.
![Viral Tips Online Whatsapp Chat](
Lastly, we want to say that whatsapp has started the career of this platform with the feature of conversation only. Now with the time this has become one of the most used and the important application for sharing files, messages and media. People are suing it professionally and casually as well. This application is filled with a lot of features. Some of the tips which are mentioned above can help the user in the various aspects. Moreover, once the user will start using these tips then they will get to know about the other features as well.